Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eigth Diary Entry April 25, 1942

April 25, 1942
Dear Diary,
Today the Nazis told me, my family, and a few other families that we were going to be sent to a labor camp. We have been allowed to pack up only a few of our belongings. The train leaves within two hours. I’m terrified of what I’m about to encounter. Hopefully the myths about these labor camps are not true. I have been told that Jews have been beaten, starved, overworked, and murdered at these camps. Right now I’m trying to find Raphael to say goodbye to him. I probably will never be able to see him again. My mind is racing; I cannot find words to describe how anxious and panic-stricken I feel. Will I die? Or will God spare me? Will I want to die after a few weeks? Or will I be strong and stay alive? Hopefully God will help me through this terrible journey and I will come out of it stronger than before.
With Love,

Seventh Diary Entry December 9, 1941

December 9, 1941
Dear Diary,
Today all of the Jews were ghettoized. We were moved out of our homes and into a fenced in area with all of the other Jewish citizens of Tauber, away from everyone else. This isn’t as bad as it sounds. I am able to see my friends more often during the day because we live closer together. Raphael and I meet with each other almost every day. The only problems I have with the community are that the rules have become a lot stricter. Our curfew is at 8 o’clock. There are certain items we are not allowed to have in our house, and the Nazis are allowed to search our house at any time. My father dislikes being “ghettoized,” but my mother and brother are fine with it. Mother is very worried that Phillip will be sent away to a labor camp because the rules are very strict in this ghetto and Phillip is usually very disobedient. She watches him closely to make sure that he doesn’t provoke any Nazis.
With Love,

Sixth Diary Entry October 30, 1940

October 30, 1940
Dear Diary,
Life is very dull these days. We rarely leave the house because there is nothing to do. Many of the movie theaters, restaurants, parks, libraries, shops, pools, and cafes have been banned from Jews. I feel so isolated right now, my world is so lonely. I rarely see my friends and I spend my days with my family. Raphael has tried to visit me a few times but it’s very hard because he has to avoid the Nazis. We have been writing letters to each other. My father is still working, but we fear that the Nazis might find him and take him away. Jews are being persecuted constantly. They are paraded down the streets wearing signs that say “I am a filthy Jew”. My own aunt was beaten in public for accidently running into an officer. I’m hoping and praying that things will become better. My father said there was a good chance our life would become worse and eventually we all would be sent away. I do not believe that. I still believe that I will achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a famous writer no matter what happens.
With Love,

Fifth Diary Entry November 2, 1939

November 2, 1939

Dear Diary,
Today was the last day of school for me. I am being homeschooled from now on. I’m very worried that I will never able to see my friends again, especially Raphael. We went on our date last week and it was so nice, he was such a gentleman. I’m scared I won’t ever be able to see him again. Mother tells me I should worry about more important things like being sent away. I am not worried about being sent away because I am a good girl and I follow directions. Only criminals are sent away. One of my brother’s friends, George, was sent away because he threw his shoe at a Nazi. I heard that the Nazi guard threatened to kill him. This was very stupid on George’s part. I wonder where they take these criminals. No one actually knows, it’s very frightening. I can see now why my mother would be worries.
With Love,

Fourth Diary Entry September 12, 1939

September 12, 1939

Dear Diary,
The Nazis have taken over. All Jewish businesses have been closed. Luckily, my father works for a kind Protestant man and is able to keep his job. The Nazis are also closing my school in a few weeks and I will either attend a public school or be homeschooled with my brother. We received our last report card today and I had all As! My mother and father were so proud of me. My brother was upset because he had only one A and a D in math. My father will be helping him and hopefully his grade will improve. I talked to Raphael again today. He asked me out on a date. I’m going to ask my mother for permission to go. I’m so excited! I think we will go for a walk after dinner.
With Love,

Third Diary Entry December 15, 1935

December 15, 1935
Dear Diary,
The Nazi party is starting to take control of Germany! They took all of the money in Ms. Alverez’s Jewish gift shop and forced her to close the shop. A few of my classmates and I went there and the Nazis did not allow us to stand within fifteen feet of the store. Hopefully, this is the only store that will close in our town. Other than that my day went fairly well. I received an A on my algebra test and presented my social studies project to the class. One of my dear friends named Natalie told me that my I had the best project in the class. I also walked home with Raphael. He is in my class and is very kind to me. We talk a lot and he told me I was pretty. I enjoy his company very much.
With Love,

Second Diary Entry January 30, 1933

January 30, 1933
Dear Diary,
When I arrived in school today my friends were talking about a new political group called the Nazis. The leader of the Nazis is Adolf Hitler. Some of my friends want to join the Hitler youth, a group that allows young people to join the Nazis. I am worried because the Nazis are an anti-Semitic group. This means Jews not is able to join Hitler youth. I do not understand why they would deny a child to be part of Hitler youth just because they are Jewish. I am very proud of being Jewish. We do not hurt anyone or discriminate any other religions. Why would other people want to discriminate against us? I was appalled when I heard children calling themselves worthless, dirty, Jews at the lunch table and were trying to figure out a way to become a different religion. The Nazi party is putting false information into our heads and I hope I will not be brainwashed like my friends. I am going to try my hardest to stay faithful to my religion during this hard time.
With Love,

First Diary Entry December 15, 1932

December 15, 1932
Dear Diary,
My name is Lydia. I live with my parents and brother in a comfortable house in a small village called Tauber in southern Germany. Every week day we attend our Jewish day school. I am in seventh grade and my brother is in eighth grade. I hope that someday I will be able to leave this town to study writing at a University. I am thinking about attending Oxford, Cambridge, or a University in America like Harvard. I have always longed to visit America. After I finish school, I plan to write romantic novels. My mother and brother say I dream too much. My father says that if I try my hardest there is a good chance I will become a world famous author. My father’s name is Alexander; he always has faith in me. I do not know where I would be right now if it weren’t for my father. He guides me like a shepherd guides his sheep and I am so thankful that he is my father. My mother’s name is Maria. She is not always so confident. Maria knows that I am talented and that I work hard, but my dreams are very big and nearly impossible to achieve. She just doesn’t want me to get my hopes up on something she knows I cannot do. My brother’s name is Phillip and he is almost exactly the same as my mother, a realist. I also have one cat named Gigi. Gigi sleeps, eats, and listens to my stories. I am very grateful for my family, house, school, and friends.
With Love,